O'Brien Law Firm PC
Mesothelioma Law Firm | Asbestos Litigation
The O'Brien Law Firm specializes in Mesothelioma Law and offers an experienced staff of Mesothelioma Lawyers and Asbestos Attorneys with many years experience winning cases.
O'Brien Law Firm PC
815 Geyer Ave
Saint Louis MO 63104
Tel: 866 588-0558; 314 588-0558
Fax: 314 588-0634
We Dedicate 100% of OUR Time to Asbestos and Mesothelioma Law
The sole focus of the O'Brien Law Firm is representing victims of mesothelioma and asbestos disease. Because we concentrate our practice on only asbestos cases, our clients and their cases get the attention, focus, and commitment they deserve. Our attorneys and staff have a unique understanding of mesothelioma and asbestos disease. Having helped victims of asbestos disease for 20 years, we understand the difficult situations in which clients and their families find themselves following a diagnosis of mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestos disease. We approach each case with a keen sensitivity to the pain and emotional strain endured by those suffering from asbestos disease. We offer not only compassion and understanding, but also the knowledge, experience, and dedication to fight for just compensation.
The O'Brien Law Firm is an award-winning Mesothelioma Law Firm with two decades of experience litigating asbestos cases. We represent workers and their families who suffer from Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related disease. We are located in the historic Soulard neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri.
