Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Bankruptcy & Creditors' Rights
Our Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights attorneys represent secured and unsecured creditors, creditors' committees, bankruptcy trustees and other parties affected by financial insolvency issues. We afford forceful and resourceful counsel regarding the varied issues that arise under the unique circumstances of each case. Drawing upon our bankruptcy lawyers' broad experience, as well as the diverse legal specialties of colleagues throughout the firm, we provide our clients creative and practical solutions.
We represent banks, companies, credit unions, individuals, insurers and other financial institutions with regard to matters occurring before, and after, the commencement of a bankruptcy case. Our clients also include lessors and lessees of commercial properties, partnerships and other parties involved in bankruptcy matters.
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Gateway One
701 Market St #1300
Saint Louis MO 63101
Tel: 314 241-2600
Fax: 314 241-7428
Litigation Matters
Hinshaw has vast experience in defending against attempts by creditors committees, debtors and trustees to avoid transfers and transactions alleged to be fraudulent, inequitable or preferential. We defend attempts to disallow claims, revive obligations or force the disposition of property. Additionally, we represent clients in actions brought against officers and directors, licensed professionals and others named as defendants in actions brought before bankruptcy courts. We also appear regularly before these tribunals to obtain relief from the automatic stay in bankruptcy so that our clients can continue to pursue and protect their rights.
Non-Litigation Matters
Hinshaw provides counsel in the preparation, prosecution and defense of proofs of claim and related matters. We also assist our clients with the analysis and evaluation of proposed plans of reorganization, the formation of creditors’ trusts, and other related issues. Where appropriate, we represent clients in opposition or support of such plans or formations. In addition, we assist in the evaluation and protection of loss carry forwards and other tax benefits that can be realized within the context of a bankruptcy case.
We have extensive experience addressing property and business acquisitions and dispositions through the bankruptcy courts. We also assist clients in performing cost/benefit analyses in such situations, and in pursing these transactions to fruition.
Workouts and Creditors’ Rights Representation
Our bankruptcy related experience transfers into financial workouts and other creditors’ rights issues. We represent borrowers, landlords, lenders, tenants and other parties-in-interest in assignments for the benefit of creditors, forcible entry and detainer cases, foreclosure actions, and private and public sales under the Uniform Commercial Code. We also represent borrowers, lenders, suppliers and additional interested third parties in negotiating alternatives to bankruptcy or other traditional, yet often less flexible, resolutions.
In addition to taking commercial litigation matters to judgment, we pursue the perfection and collection of those judgments. In doing so, we employ our bankruptcy experience to maximize our client’s recovery and minimize the risk of loss due to the judgment debtor’s insolvency. We use our experience with the myriad of bankruptcy issues to help achieve positive results in negotiating or renegotiating agreements, contracts, leases, loans and settlements.
Several of our Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights group attorneys have extensive experience as Chapter 7 Trustees, counsel for creditors’ committees, and as either assignees or counsel for assignees in assignments for the benefit of creditors. We work regularly with representatives of the Office of the United States Trustee, Standing Chapter 13 Trustees, and a variety of financial specialists dedicated to the area of insolvency and economic rehabilitation.
