Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Workers' Compensation Defense
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Gateway One
701 Market St #1300
Saint Louis MO 63101
Tel: 314 241-2600
Fax: 314 241-7428
We have a unique and nationally renowned workers' compensation defense practice, with more than 25 attorneys located in major markets throughout the country. Our practice team offers a full range of services to self-insured employers and insurance companies, including litigation defense, risk management programs and consulting services. We serve as national or regional counsel to many clients in addition to representing others on a statewide basis. We are equipped to staff and defend both high volume and unique workers' compensation litigation.
Our group represents clients in a wide range of defense matters, including exposure claims and complex compensability disputes. For more than 40 years, we have assisted clients in claims before state Industrial Commissions, common law and appellate courts. We have handled some of the most complex and high financial exposure workers' compensation, class action and third-party liability cases involving fatalities, catastrophic injuries and toxic tort exposures. We represent employers in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, services, retail, restaurants, publishing and transportation.
In addition to having an experienced workers' compensation team, the firm has broad resources and experience in complex commercial, employment and toxic tort exposure cases. With an active third party litigation practice, we routinely represent employers in common law courts. These proceedings often involve third party actions that impact workers' compensation liens and subrogation recoveries.
We also defend federal, state and municipal civil rights litigation, labor/union matters, employee safety matters in both state and federal forums, and employee statutory claims in state court. We appear before administrative agencies including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the National Labor Relations Board.
Our practice group seeks to offer ways in which to better serve the firm's clients, and the development of risk management programs is at the core of our group's service offerings. We provide comprehensive risk management programs and safety related legal advice to Fortune 100 clients and others across the country that have relied on the firm to develop return-to-work programs and risk management plans. We routinely present seminars for employers, insurers, brokers, and third party claims administrators on workers' compensation, occupational disease and employment/risk management issues. These seminars address loss prevention, claims investigation and handling and cost controls. We also consult with and represent clients concerning litigation and risk management. A cornerstone of our practice, we conduct audits for third party claims administrators on a regional and national basis to assure consistent and cost effective defense and management of a wide variety of employment related claims and issues.
