Evita Tolu
Immigration Lawyer Services
We represent employers in obtaining immigrant and non-immigrant work visas, individuals in obtaining family visas for relatives abroad, and foreign students and trainees in seeking visas to pursue their respective endeavors in the United States.
Stientjes & Tolu LLC
9378 Olive Blvd #325
Saint Louis MO 63132
Tel: 314 323-6022
Fax: 314-872-9556
E-mail: evitatolu@yahoo.com
- Family immigration
- Business immigration
- Criminal immigration
- Litigation of immigration benefits
- General Business advice for immigration needs
Evita has been practicing immigration law since 2000. She assists her clients in obtaining permanent and temporary employment visas, setting up businesses while maintaining compliance with all U.S. immigration laws. Evita’s clients include students, exchange visitors, business personnel, nurses, doctors, athletes and entertainers, religious workers, investors, persons with extraordinary ability, outstanding researchers, professors, and multinational managers. She is familiar with DHS and USCIS’ administrative procedures and provides client representation at all levels of the immigration review. She also litigates immigration cases in federal and immigration courts. Evita immigrated to the United States in 1993 and experienced the application of the United States immigration process first hand. Evita’s cross-cultural background allows her to provide legal and business advice that fits the cultural context of her clients.
